From our Issara three-day Global Forums to our quarterly national multi-stakeholder forums, our multi-stakeholder convenings are distinctive in being inclusive, equitable, data-driven, and current. We convene workers, business, government, NGOs, trade unions, academics, and innovators in the field of ethical supply chains to critically analyze current practices and approaches to addressing labor exploitation and human trafficking in global supply chains. Through equitable exchange, active listening, and collective issue analysis and problem solving, we build understanding and consensus around the most promising and proven approaches that should be promoted, encouraged, and invested in over the next several years.

Issara's multi-stakeholder engagement is unique in how worker voices lead. No conversation on business and human rights proceeds without workers and survivors first setting the scene, tone, and their expectations.

In order to find sustainable solutions for labour conditions in supply chains, suppliers have to have a voice: what are their pain points? How are global brands and retailers really incentivizing them to make improvements and investments toward more ethical supply chains?

Issara's multi-stakeholder engagement is unique in how worker voices lead. No conversation on business and human rights proceeds without workers and survivors first setting the scene, tone, and their expectations.